Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chemsketch :D

What is ChemSketch?
CD/ChemSketch is a drawing package that allows you to draw chemical structures including organics, organometallics, polymers, and Markush structures. It also includes features such as calculation of molecular properties (e.g., molecular weight, density, molar refractivity etc.), 2D and 3D structure cleaning and viewing, and functionality for naming structures.

This is an example of how the window looks like.

ChemSketch is very useful program used for drawing structures and molecules. We Medical Sciences Students need to know how to use and benefit from this program so we can use it during our studying, it will be really helpful from showing and expressing all the Chemical structures. Today we drew 5 structures Curve graph, Orbitals, Distillation, DNA strand, and finally Lipid.
Hopefully I can remember and talk about how I used Chemsketch to draw these structures.
First of all you have to main Buttons Structure for drawing the chemical structure and the Draw button for drawing everything else. So the steps are:
1.Switch to the Draw mode by clicking on the General toolbar.
2.Form the File menu, choose New to start a new document.
3.On the Drawing toolbar, click Polyline .
4.Drag horizontally to the right from the starting point of the curve to stretch the control line.
5.Release the mouse button.
6. Move the mouse up to draw the first segment of the curve.
7.Drag horizontally to the right to stretch the control lines. By changing the length of the control lines you can modify the curve segment.
8.Release the mouse button.
9.Move the mouse down to draw the next segment.
10. Repeat the above steps to draw the next two segments.
11.Right-click to finish drawing the curve.

To accomplish drawing of a reaction diagram, the axes are required. Make sure that the Line and Arrow tools are active.
1. From the Tools menu, choose Arrow Style Panel. On the Arrow panel that appears, from the Arrow Type drop-down list , choose the one-way arrow .
2.From the Options menu, choose Snap on Grid and/or Show Grid to make your drawing easier.
3.Click at the origin of coordinates and drag the mouse up vertically to draw the Y-axis
Steps for Drawing an Oribital:
Make sure you are in the Draw mode and, on the Drawing toolbar, click Polygon .
1.Drag horizontally to the right from the starting point of the orbital to stretch the control line.
2.Release the mouse button.
3.Move the mouse down to draw the body of the orbital.
4.Click to fix the orbital.
5.Right-click twice to finish drawing the orbital and to quickly switch to the Select/Move/Resize tool. Point to the selected orbital; and drag it down holding down CTRL to make a copy of the drawn orbital.
6.On the Editing toolbar, click Flip Top to Bottom to flip the lower segment of the orbital. Align the segments by moving them.
Tip To align the elements more precisely, make sure that the Snap on Grid is not selected on the Options menu.
7.Click the gray color on the Color Palette to change the fill color of the orbital segment.
Tip To quickly center the orbital segments, select them and click Center Horizontally .
8.Select both segments of the orbital and, on the Editing toolbar, click Group . Now you can manipulate the segments as a single object, e.g., rotate using the Select/Move/Rotate tool.


Steps for drawing the Lipid Structure:
1.On the Drawing toolbar, click Ellipse . Drag in the workspace while holding down SHIFT to draw a circle.
2.Click the black color of the Color palette to fill the circle.
3.Click Polyline . Click repeatedly in the workspace near the circle to draw the carbonic tail and right-click to finish drawing.
TipTo easily draw the symmetric zigzag line, you may previously select the Snap on Grid and/or Show Grid from the Options menu.
4.Click Edit Nodes and smooth the zigzag line in the following way:
a. Select all the nodes of the drawn polyline by dragging the selection rectangle around it. Note that selected nodes become black.
b.Click Convert to Curve and then Smooth .
c.Right-click to switch to the Select/Move/Resize tool.
5.Point to the curve and drag it holding down CTRL to leave the copy of the curve behind.
6.Arrange the tails as shown by dragging them.
TipIf you select all the elements of the phospholipid and click Group , you will be able to manipulate them as a single object, e.g., rotate it using the Select/Move/Rotate tool. Try drawing the micelle picture using the copying feature (holding down CTRL while dragging), Group , Rotate 90° , and Select/Move/Rotate as well as the aligning and flipping tools:

Chemical Structures Drawn
Energy Curve Graph
DNA Double Helix Strand
Distillation Device
Lipid Molecule

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ATP World Tour Finals, at the O2, in south-east London on November 28, 2010


HTML: My 1st Class, My 1st Assignment.... Introduction to HTML

HTML stands for:

H yper
T ext
M arkup

L anguage

That is all HTML means, nothing really mysterious. It uses only the letters and symbols on your regular keyboard. What it does is tell a browser what to show on a Page that you have asked for (by putting the address in the address bar), and how to format the information for that page.

HTML is really quite simple, and most of the "tags" (what we call the different "codes") are common sense, therefore easy to remember. Besides, you should have a printout of the tags to refer to, in case you do forget. Start with the common and basic ones, and add others later on.

Here IS a very basic Web page:


So you basically start with  typing html tag, then open the heading by using head tag , then when you write something in the heading u type Title, and don't forget to close every tag, with a closing tag with / before the word. After that comes the body, the you type h1 and close , and h2 and so on . To make a line break , same as pressing enter on your keyboard, you type bR.Then in the End you Close your web page by typing the ending tag

Question Answer
How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers? 1.ul

Answer the TRICKY Question above in the comment box, and I'll send you a messsage with the correct answer.

This is just the very basic for more complicated Details about HTML, vist the link.http://www.math.umn.edu/~garrett/shortest/html.html